Long-Lasting Lilies

Always Available & Always Appropriate

Growing Lilies

Lilies are among the most recognizable flowers in the world. For decades, they have been top-selling cut flowers thanks to their long-lasting blooms, yearround availability, and a wide variety of fantastic, vibrant colors. Today, their popularity among cut flower growers is on the rise too, partly because growing lilies is not especially labor-intensive. This easy-to-grow, affordable crop is a standout in fresh bouquets across the country.

Download HERE the Flower Farmer’s Guide to Growing Lilies.

Download HERE the Flower Farmer’s Guide to Growing Lilies, Hmong Language Version.

Download HERE the Flower Farmer’s Guide to Growing Lilies, Spanish Language Version.

Most Commonly Uses Lilies in the Floral Industry

  • Lilium longiflorum is mainly used in pot culture and is known as the Easter Lily in the US.
  • Oriental Hybrids ‘Stargazer’ is the most well-known Oriental but they are practically out of production because of newer, superior varieties being introduced. Orientals are available in single and double flowering forms and new pollen-less varieties have been introduced as well.
  • OxT Hybrids were created by crossing Oriental lilies with tetraploid lilies. OxTs have impressively large, fragrant, and long-lasting blooms. Because of their much stronger root system and performance, they are recommended for summer production. • Asiatic Hybrids are well known in the trade. They are easy to grow, and have no fragrance. While the flowers are smaller than Orientals, they have a very high bud count.
  • LxA Hybrids are the most popular lilies used in floriculture today. They are a cross between Asiatic lilies and Lilium longiflorum. With no scent, LxA hybrids are perfect for customers sensitive to strong fragrances but who want a long vase life, color options, and upward-facing flowers. Because they generally outperform Asiatic lilies, LxA lilies have replaced most Asiatic lilies. LxA hybrids are truly perennial, even in some southern states, and are easy to grow. New varieties are on the market with double flower forms and without pollen. 

Slow Flowers

We Are a Proud Partner of Slow Flowers Association, we are going to

  • Educate consumers about flower bulb gardening while promoting American-grown cut flowers like tulips and lilies grown from European bulbs.
  • Highlight American Lily Growers through our storytelling.
  • Engage florists, flower farmers, and farmer-florists as “lily ambassadors,” replicating the current dahlia craze, by elevating lilies as a couture design element for florists.

To get to know more, please watch and listen to the YouTube and Podcast editorials and visit the website of Slow Flowers.

Want to buy Flowerbulbs for Lily production?